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学历:博士                 所属部门:生物技术系

职称:教授                 招生专业:(博士、硕士)

联系电话:0538-8249942    E-mailzhouzz@太阳城体育.太阳城体育.cn 


周紫章,男,生于19868月,博导,教授,2019年国家优青获得者。201512月毕业于南京大学,获博士学位。20161月起,就职于山东农业大学。近五年来,主持过多项国家级、省部级项目。围绕Hippo信号通路,做了大量工作,鉴定了多个调控Hippo通路活性的基因。解析了Hippo信号通路维持肿瘤细胞全能性、促进肿瘤转移的分子机制。相关研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者发表在Developmental Cell, Nature Communications, Cell Death and Differentiation, Cell Research等国际知名期刊。



















4、山东省科技厅创新团队:昆虫翅发育的分子机制及农业害虫防治 (2019KJE009),2019-2021,主持

5、山东省重点研发计划 :microRNA介导的杀虫药物的研发及功能分析(GG201809200219),2019-Sungame太阳城体育,主持


7、山东农业大学人才引进启动基金: 2016-2021,主持

8、山东省自然科学基金面上项目:黑腹果蝇中Hedgehog信号通路的磷酸化调控探究 (ZR2017MC014),2017-2020,主持



1. Zhao YH#, Peng DZ#, Liu YY, Zhang Q, Liu B, Deng YR, Ding WH, Zhou ZZ*, Liu QX*.Usp8 promotes tumor cell migration through activating the JNK pathway.Cell Death Dis, Sungame太阳城体育 Mar 31;13(3):286.

2. Ding Y#, Wang GP#, Zhan MX#, Sun XH#, Deng YR, Zhao YH, Liu B, Liu QX*, Wu SA*, Zhou ZZ*. Hippo signaling suppresses tumor cell metastasis via a Yki-Src42A positive feedback loop. Cell Death Dis, 2021 Dec 3; 12 (12): 1126.

3. Liu B#, Ding Y#, Sun B#, Liu QX, Zhou ZZ* and Zhan MX*. The Hh pathway promotes cell apoptosis through Ci-Rdx-Diap1 axis. Cell Death Discov, 2021 Sep 24; 7 (1): 263.

4. Sun XH#, Ding Y#, Zhan MX#, Li Y, Gao DQ, Wang GP, Gao Y, Li Y, Wu SA, Lu LG*, Liu QX* and Zhou ZZ*. Usp7 regulates Hippo pathway through deubiquitinating the transcriptional coactivator Yorkie. Nat Commun, 2019 Jan 24; 10 (1): 411.

5. Li Y#, Sun XH#, Gao DQ, Ding Y, Liu JX, Chen J, Luo J, Zhang JZ, Liu QX* and Zhou ZZ*. Dual functions of Rack1 in regulating Hedgehog pathway. Cell Death Differ, 2020 Nov; 27 (11): 3082-3096.

6. Yu X, Li MM, Cui M, Sun B* and Zhou ZZ*. Silence of yki by miR-7 regulates the Hippo pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2020 Nov 12; 532 (3): 446-452.

7. Wang XF, Liu JX, Ma ZY, Shen Y, Zhang HR, Zhou ZZ, Suzuki E, Liu QX* and Hirose S*. Evolutionarily Conserved roles for Apontic in induction and subsequent decline of Cyclin E expression. iScience, 2020 Aug 21; 23 (8): 101369. 

8. Shen X, Sun XH, Sun B, Li T, Wu GL, Li YT, Chen L, Liu QX, Cui M* and Zhou ZZ*. ARRDC3 suppresses colorectal cancer progression through destabilizing the oncoprotein YAP. FEBS Lett, 2018 Feb; 592 (4): 599-609.

9. Shen Y, Wang LW, Hirose S, Zhou ZZ* and Liu QX*. The transcriptional factor Apt regulates neuroblast differentiation through activating CycE expression. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2018. 499: 889-894.

10. Zhou ZZ#, Yao X#, Pang S, Chen P, Jiang WR and Zhang Q*. The deubiquitinase UCHL5/UCH37 positively regulates Hedgehog signaling by deubiquitinating Smoothened. J Mol Cell Biol,  2018 Jun 1; 10 (3): 243-257.

11. Chen P#, Zhou ZZ#, Yao X, Pang S, Liu MJ, Jiang WR, Jiang J* and Zhang Q*. Capping Enzyme mRNA-cap/RNGTT Regulates Hedgehog Pathway Activity by Antagonizing Protein Kinase A. Sci Rep, 2017 Jun 6; 7 (1): 2891.

12. Zhan MX, Sun XH, Liu JX, Li Y, Li Y, He X, Zhou ZZ* and Lu LG*. Usp7 promotes m太阳城体育lloblastoma cell survival and metastasis by activating Shh pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2017. 484 (2): 429-434.

13.  Zhou ZZ#, Yao X#, Li S#, Xiong Y, Dong XH, Zhao Y, Jiang J* and Zhang Q*. Deubiquitination of Ci/Gli by Usp7/HAUSP regulates Hedgehog Signaling. Dev. Cell, 2015; 34: 1-15.

14.  Zhou ZZ, Xu CY, Chen P, Liu C, Pang S, Yao X and Zhang Q. Stability of HIB-Cul3 E3 Ligase Adaptor HIB Is Regulated by Self-degradation and Availability of Its Substrates. Sci Rep, 2015. 5: 12709.

15. Liu C, Zhou ZZ, Yao X, Chen P, Sun M, Su MY, Chang CJ, Yan J, Jiang J and Zhang Q*. Hedgehog signaling downregulates Sufu through the HIB/SPOP-Crn axis in Drosophila. Cell Res, 2014; 5: 595-609.
